Hou is coming soon! We are just tidying up a bit.


We love the idea of upcycling anything and everything! We live in a world filled with so much stuff, why buy more? With a little time and creativity, Hou knows what will happen...

Cheap and pretty earring holder

Just attach the mat to the wall with a nail and add your earrings. Simple!

A new Chinese supermarket opened near us recently and were selling bamboo mats for rolling your own sushi. Not only is it simple and cute, it was also under a pound! Bargain.

But, with all the best intentions in the world, the sushi never got made. So instead, we put it on the wall and made it a centrepiece for showing off some of our more extravagant ear embellishments :) Don't forget to add those rubber ear backs to stop them slipping off and ta-da!